Fleet Inquisitor

This first of three omnibus editions contains the first three “Under Jurisdiction” novels, in series-chronological order.  It contains the novels “An Exchange of Hostages,” “Prisoner of Conscience,” and “Angel of Destruction,” and is available now from Baen Books, Amazon.com, and the other usual suspects.

It’s followed by Omnibus 2, “Fleet Renegade,” which contains “Hour of Judgement,” “The Devil and Deep Space,” and “Warring States,” leading up to “Blood Enemies,” the seventh novel Under Jurisdiction (April 4, 2017).

Fun fact:  The publication of “Blood Enemies” comes twenty years after that of my debut novel, “An Exchange of Hostages.”

“Blood Enemies” will be followed in turn by a third Baen omnibus, “Fleet Insurgent,” containing out-of-print “Under Jurisdiction” short stories from my backlist as well as unpublished novellas and other material.  “Fleet Insurgent” is due for release in December, 2017.