Crimes Against Humanity
Fleet Inquisitor Andrej Koscuisko finds himself out of the frying pan and into the fire: “Rescued” from Gonebeyond to be offered up to the head of a devious crime syndicate. […]
Fleet Inquisitor Andrej Koscuisko finds himself out of the frying pan and into the fire: “Rescued” from Gonebeyond to be offered up to the head of a devious crime syndicate. […]
It’s been a year since Andrej Koscuisko sent his stolen bond-involuntary Security into Gonebeyond space; a year since he followed after, to seek out a man he has deeply wronged. […]
The period between the death of a First Judge – the functional ruler of all Jurisdiction Space, first among nine Judges Presiding, with the power of veto and imposition against […]
The Ragnarok is an experimental test bed for a research program that’s due for cancellation as the political balance of power shifts within the Jurisdiction’s Fleet. Crew and equipment alike […]
Burkhayden is a subject colony, leased by the Bench to a Dolgorukij familial corporation for the economic exploitation of a captive population of Nurail reduced to near-slave status. Pending the […]
Bench Intelligence Specialist Garol Vogel is one of an elite few, chartered by the Bench to uphold the rule of Law by any means he sees fit, answerable only to […]
He wanted to be a doctor, but his family sent him to Fleet to serve as Ship’s Surgeon – Ship’s Inquisitor. And he’d always thought he was a decent man […]
He was a young man, from a privileged background; a talented young surgeon who had wanted to be a doctor, because he saw the suffering in the world and wanted […]