LibertyCon This Weekend!
Tomorrow I fly out for Chattanooga, Tennessee, to participate in LibertyCon. Woohoo!
My schedule includes a signing on Friday evening at 7:00, reading on Friday evening at 9:00, the Baen Traveling Sideshow at 2:00 on Saturday afternoon, and a kaffeeklatsch on Sunday morning at 10:00.
On Saturday night at 10:00 I’ll be doing my one-woman show (grin) titled “Twenty Years Under Jurisdiction: The Life and Hard Times of “Uncle” Andrej Koscuisko, who is Not a Nice Man.” It’s a retrospective look at the evolution of the series from inception, to its debut in print in 1996, till now; with maybe some words on going forward. Also, there will be fountain pens. And gossip.
If you’re at the convention it would be lovely too see you!
(I regret the fact that I’ll have to leave the kaffeeklatsch early to catch my shuttle-bus to Nashville for my trip home Sunday. I’ll talk that much faster. Coffee should help, there.)