Attending Convention: LibertyCon

This one is a new one for me.  It’s been nearly fourty years since I was in Tennessee last, and I’ve never been to Chattanooga.  It’ll be end-June, June 30 through July 2nd, but I’ll be coming in on Thursday the 29th . . . which’ll be here before I turn around, the way things are going around here.

It’s sold out at this time, I understand, but I’m totally up for meeting people for a glass of iced tea in and around the convention space if (a) you’re in the area and (b) hadn’t planned on necessarily attending the convention per se.  If they have day memberships, I’m having a kaffeeklatch on Sunday, I love those things.

I’m looking forward to it.  Here’s the convention’s web site:

2 Responses

  1. Bill Thomasson

    I was overjoyed to see the bookmark in my Marcon swag bag announcing a new Under Jurisdiction novel. I’m looking forward to seeing you at Libertycon (I’m a panelist myself) and will make every effort to sign up for your Kaffeklatsch.

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